Lirik Lagu The Revolution Starts With Me

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Selamat malam sobat Belajar dan Berbagi. Postingan malah ini adalah tentang Lirik Lagu The Revolution Starts With Me. Lagu yang sudah lumayan lama, kalau tidak salah sekitar tahun 2008. Lagu The Revolution Starts With Me ini beraliran musik hip hop yang di nyanyikan oleh SaintSoulja (G.N.E.). Niat nya sih tadi cuma nyari lirik lagunya saja buat belajar nyanyi. Ternyata tidak ada, malah yang ada muncul judul yang lain yang hampir mirip. Akhirnya buka Youtube dan nyari Lirik Lagunya dan sekalian saja dibuat postingannya buat arsip kalau butuh lagi.

Lirik Lagu The Revolution Starts With Me

Penyanyi : SaintSoulja (G.N.E.)

As I stand in this field, I find myself alone
Sweat drippin down my dome, tight grippin on my chrome
Lost at my cause, and im startin to miss home
How do people survive the aftermath of a warzone?
Roam the streets, of this third world
Find things that remind me of baby girl.
4 months old, couldn’t be at the birth.
Sent me a picture with a letter, for what it’s worth.
I watch the rebels and mates pass away every day
Innocent people get caught by bullets that are a stray
What a way to live, I hope God can forgive
My sins, or give me death, cause ''you get what you give''
When the end is near, I think about the creation
Realizations as I fight for this nation
What seemed like love is now infatuation
I hope for changes in the next generation.

[Hook] 2x
ONE. Stop and pause
Say TWO. Figure out your cause
Say THREE. Let’s get free!
The revolution starts with me!

They say if you don’t stand for nothin, then you’ll fall for anything
My people aint got legs, yo we fall for everything
shit from the west, the drugs and the bling.
I Keep my ears open as I wait for freedom to ring
They call us dogs, cause we kill with no couver
My soldiers are purple hearted, yo they fight with valor
This is the army, of a higher power
Revolution. Makes lions outta cowards
Im a rebel to this world, and I fight with a cause
And if I lose my swords, then immo fight with my paws
And if I lose my hands, then immo fight with my jaw
Fight with the law, as long as I fight whats wrong.
As the end is near, I think about the creation
Realizations, as I fight for this nation
what seemed infatuation turned into love
I hope everyone knows the price of my blood

[Hook] 2x
ONE. Stop and pause
Say TWO. Figure out your cause
Say THREE. Let’s get free!
The revolution starts with me!

Baca juga : Save Gaza - We Will Not Go Down

The night turned black, as we stuck in this combat
Rebel forces infiltrate us through the wall cracks
There’s no turning back, so we all shootin back
Reload the m-16 and wach it go BRAP BRAP!
They stormed our village in the middle of the night
tryna pull out my steel, tryin to put up a fight
The last stand of a man is the same as a lover
I Hope my baby’s safe along with her mother
Smoke filled the room, had no clue what to do
Lost sight and hearin, but I could still envision you
Bullets sprayed, who cares who they engraved
That’s when I took my last breath, and say my last prayer
As the end is near I think about the creation.
Realizations, as I fight for this nation
What seemed infatuation came to be love
I hope everyone knows the price of his blood
[Hook] 2x

From Souljas Rise (2008), released January 1, 2008
Free Download :

Kunjungi juga :
1. Lirik Lagu Indonesia Mutiaraku.
2. Lirik Lagu Hari Merdeka.
3. Lirik Lagu Gugur Bunga.
4. Lirik Lagu GERMAS.

Demikian postingan kali ini tentang Lirik Lagu The Revolution Starts With Me. Semoga bermanfaat dan mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan maupun kekurangan dalam penulisan postingan ini.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Selamat Datang di Blog Pribadi Saya Belajar dan Berbagi. Salam Persahabatan dan Salam Lestari Buana Nusantara dari Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
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